Hilah Zohar serves the Bay Area community and is available for body work by appointment at 415-573-4753 or contact hilahzohar@gmail.com


 Available for body work and consultation by appointment 415-573-4753

Hilah Zohar has over three decades of experience in the healing arts. Her life's passion is helping others achieve wellness, well-being, balance and health transformation.

Hilah works as a massage therapist using a variety of techniques including acupressure and a range of massage and body work methods. She treats patients with acupuncture and other Chinese medicine techniques, including herbal remedies, moxibustion, Lauren Berry Method of lymphatic drainage massage, and visceral (organ) manipulation. Hilah’s professional involvement with Imeinu Birth Collective, supporting mothers-to-be before, during and after births, has added another rich dimension of experience to her career.

Hilah graduated and complete her Certification in Massage Therapy C.M.T.  from the Holistic Institute in 1980.  In the early 1990s Hilah earned a degree from San Francisco College of Acupuncture, where she studied acupuncture and many areas of traditional Chinese medicine, including Chinese herbal medicine and advanced acupressure

Hilah has apprenticed and worked with many prominent practitioners, including an apprentice of Lauren Berry. Hilah practices the Lauren Berry Method of Lymphatic Drainage Massage and Internal Organ Release/Repositioning as well as Scar Softening. She works with additional treatment modalities such as polarity massage, reflexology, western herbal medicine, and Native American medicine. Hilah would be happy to assist patients in improving their health and well being.